organisations mission is to provide assistance and advocacy for the rights of
people with disabilities and to ensure equal access to all public services
enjoyed by other members of society.
To advocate for the rights of people with disability, the organisation
works on several strategic directions as follows:
- Activation and Engagement - situation analysis reveals that neither government nor society at large realizes the scale of the problem. Due to the inaccessibility of the physical and social environment, people with disability are routinely denied the opportunity to be involved in the rhythm of daily life as equal members of society. The fact that disabled people do not have a profile within society gives rise to the false assumption that they have no aspirations in this direction. Nothing could be further from the truth. This misapprehension in turn leads to a passive attitude on behalf of the government towards people with disability, and accounts for the current poor quality of services for disabled people. Accordingly, our organisation assigns priority to making people with disability more active and enabling them to engage in various educational, sport and leisure activities.
- Public Awareness Raising - The most powerful instrument in existence today in providing information is the use of media. Over time, along with TV, radio and print media, social media has also gained great significance. ERTAD is actively working to create a Georgian web resource. An additional aim is to make documentary movies and video tutorials. It is very important to provide each person with disability, as well as the rest of society with information not only about the nature of existing problems, but also about their solutions.
- Collaboration for Change - this strand of the organisations strategy is to establish constructive partnerships with both governmental, nongovernmental and donor organisations. As an organisation, Accessible Environment for Everyone, does not simply forward general demands on issues which are central to the lives of disabled people. Our response is to create detailed, realistic and solution orientated project proposals. Experience has taught us that a positive constructive and businesslike approach is much more effective than focussing our approach on the shortcomings of our lives.
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